Streicher De Swardt

Part 1: Dream Holiday or Nightmare! An Overview of the Property Time-Sharing Control Act and the Vacational Ownership / Time-Share industry.

This article broadly looks at property time-share and the legislation regulating it. The problems and complaints by consumers trapped in the empty and misleading promises advertised to them by the time-share industry are also addressed. In part one, the article gives a broad outline of what the Property Time-Sharing Control Act entails and specific definitions […]

The creation methods of servitudes in South Africa

Servitudes in South Africa can be created or come into existence in multiple ways. The methods of creation, which will be discussed, include the registration thereof by way of an order of court and through legislation. A servitude can be described as a limited real right that can either provide the holder with the use […]

The Omission of a Single Word Can Lead to a Will Being Contested

The contents of an “inelegant and very badly drafted” will were recently the subject of a dispute in the South Gauteng High Court, in the matter Strauss vs Strauss and Others. The plaintiff instituted action claiming that the joint will of his parents not only made provision for the situation where they died within 30 […]

Understanding Living Wills

When one thinks of a will, the first thing that comes to mind is probably a last will and testament. This type of will expresses a person’s wishes after they have died. However, a living will, despite sharing some similarities with a last will and testament, is not the same thing. It can be described […]

What Will Happen If You Ignore a Court Order?

Ignoring a court order in South Africa is a serious matter that can lead to significant legal consequences, including being held in contempt of court. This article explores what happens when someone chooses to disregard a court order, focusing on the legal framework and potential outcomes. Legal definition and types of contempt Contempt of court […]

Claiming Ownership Through Acquisitive Prescription

One way to acquire property in South Africa is through acquisitive prescription. This method does not rely on the transfer of rights from a predecessor in title; instead, it acknowledges specific factual criteria that, when met, grant legal rights and title to ownership. This article will outline the requirements necessary for successfully claiming ownership through […]

The Costs of Deceased Estates Explained

An important function of an executor, the person who is appointed by the Master of the High Court to administer a deceased estate, is to account for the liabilities in the estate of the deceased. Keep in mind that only once the liabilities in the estate have been discharged can the heirs receive their inheritances. […]

Need a Lawyer but Can’t Afford One? Here’s What to Do

Are you facing legal problems that require a lawyer’s assistance but can’t afford the help you need? The current socio-economic state of South Africa dictates that 55.5% of people are living in poverty and that South Africa is one of the most unequal countries in the world. It’s a harsh reality that the majority of […]

Understanding Estate Massing in Community of Property Marriages

In community of property marriages, spouses often combine their estates, or mass their estates, to ensure that certain assets go to specific beneficiaries. This is done while still ensuring the surviving spouse’s welfare and protecting assets from being misused after the first spouse passes away. This article will explain the necessary conditions for this estate […]

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