“You can’t predict the future but you can plan for it”
Streicher-De Swardt provides expert assistance in estate planning, trusts, and fiduciary services. Our attorneys are specialists in this area and recognise the individuality of each client’s requirements. We work to develop stable solutions that secure the futures of our clients and their descendants.
Drafting a will is crucial if you have dependents or assets, such as a house, car, furniture, money in the bank, savings, or investments. A will is your instruction to your executor on how to distribute your assets to your loved ones after your death. It is one of the most important legal documents that you will conclude in your life as it deals with your entire estate, including all assets and liabilities.
It is essential to have a legal and professionally drafted will, as confusing or unclear instructions can lead to challenges and legal action, resulting in increased costs for your estate, potential legal fees, estate duty, income tax, and hardship for your family.
If you die without leaving a will, South African law has a process for the distribution of your estate, known as Intestate Succession. This process may result in your estate being inherited by persons other than intended by you. Problems that may arise include delays in appointing an executor, limited inheritance for surviving spouses and children, difficulties accessing funds for minors, unnecessary sale of assets, increased potential for disputes, and a higher tax liability of the estate. It is best to consult an attorney to draft your will to ensure that your wishes are carried out, and your family is protected. Our expert attorneys will ensure that your will meets the legal requirements necessary.