Streicher De Swardt

Compliance certificates required when selling a property

There is a duty on the Seller when selling an immovable property to provide certain certificates of compliance to the Purchaser. There are five compliance certificates that the Seller is required to obtain at his/her own cost before the transfer of the property takes place. The following are the necessary certificates: Electrical Compliance Certificate The […]

Can trustees sell trust property to their own company?

The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) recently deliberated on whether a court sanction is necessary to validate the sale of shares owned by a trust to a company controlled indirectly by two of the trustees of the trust. This matter was addressed in the case of Kuttel vs Master of the High Court and Others. Peter […]

Immovable property ownership and spouses

When does a spouse who is entitled to receive a half share in immovable property become the owner of that half share? Does the real right in respect of half share in immovable property vest immediately upon granting of a divorce decree or does a spouse acquire personal right to claim formal transfer in the […]

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