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Does My Maiden Name Automatically Change if I Get Married in South Africa?

Marriage is a significant milestone in one’s life, bringing with it a multitude of changes and decisions. One such decision that often arises is whether to change one’s maiden name after tying the knot. In South Africa, as in many other countries, there are legal and personal considerations to contemplate when it comes to changing […]

New Era for Domestic Violence Cases: Enhanced Protection Under Amended Act 

The legal landscape for domestic violence in South Africa just shifted. New amendments focus on swift arrests, tougher bail, and preventing charge withdrawals to prioritise victim safety. Read more about this crucial change and its impact on communities and justice. A paradigm shift in tackling violence within intimate relationships The April 2023 amendments to the […]

Expert Family Law Services: Divorce, Child Maintenance, and Spousal Support

Facing the challenges of divorce, child maintenance, and spousal support can seem daunting, but there’s no need to go through it by yourself. The right expertise in these areas is crucial for securing outcomes that are fair and favourable to you. Specialised knowledge in family law is your key to receiving effective legal advice and […]

How to Proceed with Divorce When Your Spouse Cannot Be Found 

Rule 44(1) of the Uniform Rules of Court states that documents requesting a divorce or marriage annulment must be personally delivered to the person it concerns unless the court allows a different service. But what if the sheriff can’t deliver the documents because the person has disappeared or moved abroad? This article will explain alternative […]

Navigating Antenuptial Agreements in South Africa: Your Questions Answered

Preparing for marriage in South Africa involves several critical decisions, one of which is the antenuptial agreement (AN). This legal document is vital for dictating the management of assets and finances within a marriage. To help you understand and effectively navigate antenuptial agreements, we’ve compiled answers to some commonly asked questions. Frequently asked questions about […]

Can you change your marital regime after marriage?

A marital regime determines how parties’ assets will be managed and divided during their marriage and in the event of divorce or death. Changing the marital regime can provide parties with greater financial flexibility and protection. Understanding marital regimes In South Africa, there are three main marital regimes: In community of property: This is the default […]

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